To be considered for a Rotary Club of San Leandro (RCSL) Community Grant, please submit the grant application by email by 5:00 p.m. on March 1, 2024. If submitted after the deadline, your application will be considered only if there are remaining funds for the 2023/2024 grant-making year.

2023/2024 Grant Priority Areas:

  • San Leandro-based organizations, the majority (51%) of clients served are San Leandro residents. Any exceptions to this will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and presented to the Board with sufficient rationale if awards will be made/proposed.
  • Focused on programs/activities with the most benefit to individuals, no “cosmetic”
    capital projects (painting, flooring, etc.)
  • Focus populations: Children and families, seniors, “At-Risk” individuals
  • Priorities can change each year based on committee recommendations to the Board


If awarded a grant, the following may be required:

  • Authorization for The Rotary Club of San Leandro to draft a press release and mention
    your organization as a community partner
  • Recognition of funding by the Rotary Club of San Leandro on your organization’s website
    and social media channels.
  • Participation in a Rotary club meeting to receive the grant award and speak briefly to
    members about your organization and how the award will support the San Leandro

Please email your application to slrotarygrants@gmail.com. If you have any questions regarding the grant, please email this address. The Rotary Club of San Leandro will inform you of the status of your grant request by the end of March 2024. Partial funding may be presented as alternative awards. In past years, grants have ranged between $500-$5,000.

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